What is the difference between child protection training and safeguarding training?

Child protection training or safeguarding training? Aren’t the two the same? Well, yes…and no. The answer’s a little more complicated than that. Fortunately, if you want to know the difference between child protection and safeguarding, we’ve got you covered. What is safeguarding training? As one of the leading providers of online safeguarding training in the…

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E-Safety for Parents

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At school and at home, and for kids of all ages, it’s really important to revisit the basics of e-safety for parents often. But aside from enabling parental controls on our home internet, what other e-safety for parents advice should we be aware of to keep our children safe online? Basic e-safety advice for parents…

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What is a DBS check?

safeguarding training

If you want to work with children or vulnerable adults, you probably need a DBS check, but is it even possible to apply for a DBS check as an individual? Read our handy guide to DBS checks in 2019 right here… What is a DBS check? Even if you think you’ve never heard of them…

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Is Safeguarding Training a Legal Requirement?

safeguarding training

When it comes to safeguarding training and the law, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. In this blog we define what safeguarding training is, who needs to take it and is it a legal requirement to take safeguarding training in the United Kingdom? What is safeguarding training? You might be familiar with safeguarding…

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The benefits of online safety training if you work with children

online safety training

Do you feel there are more benefits to children using the internet than there are risks? Well, depending on your answer, you might not be alone. According to 2019 research carried out by Ofcom, fewer parents now feel that the benefits of their child using the internet outweigh the risks compared to research carried out…

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10 Common Signs of Abuse and Neglect

safeguarding training

Safeguarding training can teach you the most common signs of abuse and neglect as well as the various different forms of abuse that you need to be aware of in our society. Even if you don’t work with vulnerable people or children, it is still useful to know these signs because anyone can be a…

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When should I renew my safeguarding training?

safeguarding training

Safeguarding training is an essential requirement for anyone who works with children under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults in the United Kingdom. A variety of roles now require you to have safeguarding training by law, such as anyone who works as a teacher or a member of staff in education, healthcare staff, childminders,…

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What to do if you suspect abuse

safeguarding training

Before reading, please note: If you suspect that an individual is at immediate risk of danger or harm, you should always dial 999 in the first instance. The best safeguarding practice involves following the standard processes and procedures set in place by your workplace, which is why it’s so important to continually refresh your safeguarding…

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10 Reasons Why You Need Safeguarding Training

online safeguarding training

Safeguarding training is a legal requirement for everyone in the United Kingdom who works in close contact with children and/or vulnerable adults, but do you know why you might need safeguarding training in your role? 1. Safeguarding training will teach you the signs and indicators of abuse and neglect There are many signs and indicators…

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Safeguarding Training on School Trips

safeguarding training

Whether a parent or volunteer, do helpers who aren’t a member of school staff need safeguarding training to come along with your students on a school trip? Safeguarding training Every school in the United Kingdom has a legal duty to carry out DBS checks on all staff as part of their safer recruitment policy and…

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