Online Safeguarding Courses

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Equestrian Sector

Our Courses for Equestrian:

This online Equestrian Basic Safeguarding Awareness safeguarding course is written specifically for anyone who works or volunteers within the equestrian world. Developed in association with the British Equestrian Federation this course gives an introduction to child and adult protection procedures, including legislation, signs and indicators of abuse and how to report concerns.

This online Equestrian Advanced Safeguarding course is aimed at equestrian coaches/instructors or anyone else who has already completed a British Equestrian Federation face-to-face safeguarding course and wishes to refresh their knowledge. This course covers both child and adult safeguarding including topics such as being person-centred, making referrals and handling allegations.

This online Equestrian Advanced Safeguarding for Safeguarding Officers course is written specifically for equestrian Safeguarding Officers/Welfare Officers in association with the British Equestrian Federation.  This course is designed as refresher training for anyone who has already taken the BEF face-to-face Safeguarding course. Covering both child and adult safeguarding the course uses equestrian specific scenarios and questions to enhance your learning.

Job roles:

Riding Instructors/Coaches

Stable Hands

Stable Owners

Welfare Officers

Equestrian Volunteers


Our Courses for Schools:

Our online Safeguarding in Education course has been specifically written by experts for all staff working in the education sector. The course has been developed to meet the safeguarding requirements of Ofsted and equivalent inspecting bodies.

Our online Designated Safeguarding Lead Training course is for senior members of staff or the Designated Safeguarding Lead Person(s) for your school. The training delivers a greater depth of knowledge on the main child protection legislation and processes, as well as guidance on how to carry out referrals and the steps to follow when documenting and reporting concerns.

Our separate online Prevent Duty Training course gives a more in-depth overview of your Prevent duty and is written specifically to suit the needs of the education sector.

Our Online Safety Training course is designed to meet give a more in-depth overview of your online safety requirements as an organisation or school, and it is updated annually to keep in line with current legislation.

Our Online Safety for Parents course is specifically written for parents and carers, designed to assist schools with engaging parents in their online safety training message.

Job roles:

Admin Staff

After School Club Staff

Bursars, Business and Finance Staff

Senior Leadership Team


Lunchtime Staff

Visiting Staff and Student Teachers

Special Educational Needs Staff

Anyone that comes in contact with pupils

Dental Sector

Our Courses for Dentists:

Our Level 1 Safeguarding for Dentists online course is specially written for dental professionals, covering the protection of children and vulnerable adults. Every member of staff in a dental practice requires at least level 1 safeguarding training.

Please note: The BDA recommend that all staff are trained to at least Level 1 and this is achievable with this Level 1 course.  Clinical staff such as dentists, hygienists and dental nurses will also require Level 2 training, this can be obtained by taking both our Level 1 and Level 2 Safeguarding for Dentists courses.   Our courses do not extend to Level 3, 4 or 5 (as referenced in the framework: Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff).

Our online Level 2 Safeguarding for Dentists course is specially written for any dental professional who has involvement with children or vulnerable adults. This training builds on the knowledge from the online Level 1 Safeguarding for Dentists course.

Please note: The BDA recommend that all staff are trained to at least Level 1 and this is achievable with our Level 1 course.  Clinical staff such as dentists, hygienists and dental nurses will also require Level 2 training, this can be obtained by taking both this Level 2 course and our Level 1 Safeguarding for Dentists course. Our courses do not extend to Level 3, 4 or 5 (as referenced in the framework: Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff).

Job roles:


Dental Admin Staff and Receptionists

Dental Nurses and Dental Assistants

Dental Hygienists

Dental Surgeons


Music Sector

Our Courses for Music:

Our Safeguarding in Music Education training course is written specifically for the music education sector and developed in conjunction with Music Mark, the UK Association for Music Education who represent government funded music services across the country. This safeguarding course enables leaders to train staff in child protection, online safety and Prevent training.

This online Safeguarding for Music Groups course will give group leaders and all those involved with running music groups peace of mind and a good understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities. A valuable tool for music groups in providing a safe environment for their members to make music in.

Our online Designated Safeguarding Lead Training has been developed specifically for the Designated Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who have already completed an introductory course. This course builds upon previous knowledge and includes processes and procedures, legislation, agencies, handling allegations and making referrals.

Job roles:


Music Teachers/Peripatetic Music Teachers

Music Tutors

Voice Coaches

Group Leaders

Musical Directors

Childcare Sector

Our Courses for Childcare:

Safeguarding for Childminders is an online safeguarding training course specifically for childminders, covering essential topics such as legislation, online safety, anti-radicalisation, indicators of abuse and neglect and how to report concerns.

Safeguarding for Nannies is an online safeguarding training course specifically for nannies and au-pairs. This course covers essential topics such as legislation, online safety, anti-radicalisation, indicators of abuse and neglect and how to report concerns.

Our online Safeguarding for Out of School Clubs course is most suitable for anyone working within the privately-run, independent Out of School Clubs sector. Our course covers conventional child protection practices, alongside online safety and the Prevent duty.

Our online Designated Safeguarding Lead Training has been  developed specifically for the Designated Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who have already completed an introductory course. This Designated Safeguarding Lead course builds upon previous knowledge and includes processes and procedures, legislation, agencies, handling allegations and making referrals.

Job roles:





Out of School Clubs Staff

Early Years Sector

Our Courses for Early Years:

Safeguarding in Early Years is an online training course specifically for early year practitioners, and covers essential topics such as legislation, online safety, anti-radicalisation, indicators of abuse and neglect, and how to report concerns.

Our online Designated Safeguarding Lead Training has been developed specifically for the Designated Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who have already completed an introductory course. This course builds upon previous knowledge and includes processes and procedures, legislation, agencies, handling allegations and making referrals.

Job roles:

Playgroup/Creche Staff

Early Years Practitioners/Assistants

Nursery Managers/Assistants

Senior Early Years Practitioners

Sports Sector

Our Courses for Sports:

Our Safeguarding Children in Sport online training course is for anyone who comes into contact with children and young people whilst working in a sports environment. This course includes topics such as key legislation, how to report concerns, and indicators of abuse and neglect.

Our online Designated Safeguarding Lead Training has been developed specifically for the Designated Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who have already completed an introductory course. This course builds upon previous knowledge and includes processes and procedures, legislation, agencies, handling allegations and making referrals.

Job roles:

Dance Instructors

Fitness Instructors/Personal Trainers

Outdoor Education

Sports Coaches

Swimming Instructors/Life Guards

Training Providers Sector

Our Courses for Training Providers:

Safeguarding for Training Providers is an online course written for professionals who work with young people and adults. This course introduces the applicable legislation and guidance, signs and indicators of abuse and how to respond to concerns.  It also covers the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education, such as online safety and Prevent.

Job roles:

Apprenticeship Providers

Work Place Assessors

Further Education College Training Providers

Carers Sector

Our Courses for Carers:

Our online Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults course is written for professionals who require safeguarding training for both vulnerable adults and child protection. Saving you time and money, this safeguarding course introduces the applicable legislation and guidance, signs and indicators of abuse and how to respond to concerns for both vulnerable adults and children.

Our Safeguarding Lead Training for Children and Vulnerable Adults is an online course written for the Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who require training in both vulnerable adult and child protection, and have already completed an introductory safeguarding course. This course covers topics such as making referrals, handling allegations and working with agencies.

Job roles:

Care Assistants/Senior Carers

Home Carers/Home Care Assistants

Support Workers

Healthcare Sector

Our Courses for Healthcare:

Our online Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults course is written for those professionals that require safeguarding training for both vulnerable adults and child protection. Saving you time and money, this safeguarding course introduces the applicable legislation and guidance, signs and indicators of abuse and how to respond to concerns for both vulnerable adults and children.

Please note: As referenced in the Children and Young People: Roles and competencies for Healthcare Staff framework, this course is the equivalent to Level 1. Level 2 can be obtained by taking this course and our Safeguarding Lead Training for Children and Vulnerable Adults course. Our courses do not extend to Level 3, 4 or 5 (as referenced in above framework).

Our Safeguarding Lead Training for Children and Vulnerable Adults is an online course written for the Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who require training in both vulnerable adult and child protection, and have already completed an introductory safeguarding course. This course covers topics such as making referrals, handling allegations and working with agencies.

Please note: As referenced in the Children and Young People: Roles and competencies for Healthcare Staff framework, Level 2 can be obtained by taking this course and our introductory course Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults. Our courses do not extend to Level 3, 4 or 5 (as referenced in the above framework).

Job roles:

General Practitioners



Midwives/Health Visitors

Pharmaceutical Staff



Volunteers Sector

Our Courses for Volunteers:

The Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults online course is written for professionals who require safeguarding training for both vulnerable adults and child protection. Saving you time and money, this safeguarding course introduces the applicable legislation and guidance, signs and indicators of abuse and how to respond to concerns.

Safeguarding Lead Training for Children and Vulnerable Adults is an online course written for the Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who require training in both vulnerable adult and child protection, and have already completed an introductory safeguarding course. This course covers topics such as making referrals, handling allegations and working with agencies.

Our Safeguarding Children course provides online safeguarding training for anyone who comes into contact with children and young people during work, voluntary or leisure activities, including topics such as key legislation, how to report concerns, and indicators of abuse and neglect.

Our online Designated Safeguarding Lead Training has been developed specifically for the Designated Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who have already completed an introductory course. This course builds upon previous knowledge and includes processes and procedures, legislation, agencies, handling allegations and making referrals.

Job roles:

After-School Club Volunteers

Activity Group Leaders

Charity Volunteers

Library Volunteers

Parent Volunteers

Under 5s Volunteers

We also do a selection of courses for other sectors:

The Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults online course is written for professionals who require safeguarding training for both vulnerable adults and child protection. Saving you time and money, this safeguarding course introduces the applicable legislation and guidance, signs and indicators of abuse and how to respond to concerns.

Safeguarding Lead Training for Children and Vulnerable Adults is an online course written for the Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who require training in both vulnerable adult and child protection, and have already completed an introductory safeguarding course. This course covers topics such as making referrals, handling allegations and working with agencies.

Our Safeguarding Children course provides online safeguarding training for anyone who comes into contact with children and young people, including topics such as key legislation, how to report concerns, and indicators of abuse and neglect.

Our online Designated Safeguarding Lead Training has been developed specifically for the Designated Safeguarding Lead Person and Deputy who have already completed an introductory course. This course builds upon previous knowledge and includes processes and procedures, legislation, agencies, handling allegations and making referrals.

Job roles:

Performing Arts

Driving Instructors

Language Tutors

Taxi Drivers

Leisure and Theme Parks

Entertainment and Visitor Attractions

Youth Club Leaders

Any other sector that works with children and vulnerable adults

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