Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

keeping children safe in education 2022

What is the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) Statutory Guidance? Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) is the name of a document that contains statutory guidance that outlines the legal requirements (the ‘must’ actions) and best practices (the ‘should’ actions) for safeguarding in schools and colleges in England from the Department for Education (DfE).…

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The 4 C’s of Online Safety

A girl looking at her mobile phone in her bed.

The 4 C’s of Online Safety In today’s modern era, the internet is very much part of our everyday lives, presenting both opportunities and challenges. The digital landscape, especially social media, plays a pivotal role in the lives of our children as supported by findings in a 2022 Ofcom report. This report revealed that 33%…

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Safeguarding Training for Charities

Somebody making a donation on their mobile phone for a charity

Safeguarding Training for Charities: A Guide Safeguarding is a critical aspect of any organisation, but for charities, as they often serve vulnerable people, it is especially important. Before we go into more details, it is important to know that charities are bound by specific legislation and regulation to ensure the safety and well-being of their…

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Safer Recruitment Checklist

Somebody at an interview

A Safer Recruitment Checklist tool breaks down the safer recruitment process into manageable stages, illustrating what actions should be taken at each step and ensuring a thorough and standardised approach to hiring from the initial job application pack to the final stages of appointment, mentoring and supervision. The Safer Recruitment Checklist also helps in filtering out…

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Online Safety Bill Summary

A device with the words 'Online Safety' and a picture of a child.

Online Safety Bill Summary The UK Parliament has recently passed a ground-breaking piece of legislation known as the Online Safety Bill, aimed at revolutionising the regulation of the digital and online world. This bill places an emphasis on enhancing the accountability of social media and other online platforms, particularly in terms of safeguarding the online…

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Updates to the Prevent Duty guidance

Teenager in bedroom studying

We have recently updated our Prevent course to be in line with the latest Prevent duty guidance for schools and early years providers in England and Wales. While there are no new legal duties or obligations, there has been a slight shift in focus and some changes in the guidance. There are also no changes…

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Working Together to Safeguard Children (WTTSC) 2023

Two children on a bed

The Updated Working Together to Safeguard Children Statutory Guidance 2023 In December 2023, the Department for Education (DfE) published an updated version of its statutory guidance: Working Together to Safeguard Children (WTTSC) 2023. This update replaces the 2018 statutory guidance. It provides mandatory and recommended advice and actions for organisations and agencies in England to effectively…

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What is a Safeguarding Concern?

Person making a donation on a smart phone for a charity

A safeguarding concern refers to any suspicion or worry regarding the safety or well-being of an individual, especially a vulnerable person, such as a child, elderly person, or someone with disabilities. A concern typically involves the belief or observation that the person may be experiencing abuse, neglect, exploitation, or harm in some way – these…

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Smart Horizons Exciting Updates

Smart Horizons logo

New Integrated Smart Training Hub In response to valuable feedback from customers interested in purchasing multiple training courses across different specialties, we are delighted to announce the launch of our newly integrated Smart Horizons website. This brings together our three specialist training websites: Child Protection, Food Hygiene and Fire Training under the unified branding of…

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